Synaptic Flash

Thursday, April 10, 2003

I've believed that the Earth is a conscious being for a while now, and that our collective conscious awakening is deeply in sync with the Earth "waking up" as well.

Remote Viewer Aaron Donahue shares this vision, and below is an excerpt from his writings on the topic:

It is for me no surprise that the Earth is alive and conscious of permanence. It therefore “knows” an end within and without the totality of its existence. It might have been interesting to observe 10 billion healthy and spiritually advanced human brains united in terms of resonance at the global threshold of 40 Hz. You might understand that this is simply achieved upon 10 billion neurons within the brain of each human operating in concert with 10 billion brains thus creating the potential for another state of awareness that I suspect the Buddha, the Christ, the Mohammed, and Krishna, etc., may have been aware of and did in fact try to teach. It seems that this teaching has failed and so it is for the human race as a whole an error.

What is surprising to me is that the Earth is communicative and responsive to human awareness and there seems a startling sense of urgency to “connect” very soon. I know the message here to be simple and direct meaning that you must tend the garden now or be tossed away from it.

I strongly feel that in spite of the incredible lack of Earth awareness and wanton destruction of what little human life support system there remains, any who should not give up and that stand for our Earth shall be recognized and blessed to live in the future post the coming wars, global changes, and outrageous governmental greed driven stupidity of the old Aeon.

It is agreed that we must now look to research involving genetic engineering, biological chemical engineering, human cloning, artificial intelligence, photonics, exotic and/ or occult technologies involving communications and access, time travel communication systems, and remote viewing, etc., to optimize survival via a strong communicative or true connection with the Earth as a sentient life form. We must be careful and cooperative with the Earth now or cease to exist. It may be required to transfer our consciousness into computers maintained at first by those engineers who further design independence. The carbon based unit as we are now is presently obsolete and should be replaced with silicone and further designed to facilitate transference into a machine that is less demanding of the current environment in which its life and evolution is only possible. The present physical evolution of the human body is at an end. Human DNA and other body specimens will be collected and preserved for future integration and reproduction post “greening” of land mass Earth surface areas. The reseeding is also a planned process involving machines/ programmed computers, etc.

In order to achieve the transitory existence above we must observe and preserve what we can of the present ecosystem. There is little time to develop the required technology. If we do not stand for the Earth now and save what there is left, the human being will become extinct.

-Aaron Donahue

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Check out the following link, which will lead you to an extensive breakdown of the nuts and bolts of human consciousness:

Monday, April 07, 2003

Since it's Monday and all, I thought it might be a good day to remember how to BREATHE (that dang air is just SO addictive!).

The following is some healthy advice from Erika:


You can greatly improve your spiritual and physical well being by having proper breathing habits. You can avoid being a victim of your own negative emotions with the use of breathing techniques.

Unhealthy Breathing Effects in your Mind and Body Health

Most of us have an "average" breathing rate of 11 to 15 times a minute (faster than a healthy one). By doing this we take quick, shallow breaths from the top of our chest. This way reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the blood and causes the arteries to constrict reducing the flow of blood throughout the body and the brain. In this case, no matter how much oxygen we get into our lungs, our brain and body have a shortage of oxygen. The lack of oxygen have an undesirable effect in the nervous system making us to become tense, anxious, and irritable. No wonder this breathing also reduces our ability to think clearly, and tends to awake negative and obsessive thoughts and images.

This over ventilation tends to magnify our emotional conflicts and when it is a chronic habit intensifies our fears. The way to get a healthy breathing is to do a breathing that will balance the equilibrium between oxygen and carbon dioxide avoiding all the negative effects explained above.

The use of appropriate breathing techniques can greatly help us for relaxation and fighting stress. Those techniques use deep breathing in a way that releases the unnecessary tension in our back, belly, and ribs. Notice that the wrong deep breathing often result in faster, shallower breathing making us more nervous.

One of the breathing tips that we recommend to our followers of psychic healing, an easy one, is using our breath for relaxation. Just lengthen your exhalation. It's like when you naturally sigh. The long exhalation triggers a relaxation response on your parasympathetic nervous system, All you have to do is to make your exhalation longer than your inhalation. Just concentrate on your breathing as you exhale, feel the air going upward and out slowly through the nose. Do not worry about the inhalation, it will come naturally.

A healthy and optimum breath rate is six breaths a minute, well below the usual resting breath rate of 11-15 times a minute . Practicing good breathing habits has a great benefit for our health and emotional well-being.

Unfortunately, some people make breathing practices that are inappropriate, that can be even dangerous. In general, when we start our breathing exercises it is very important to know whether a particular way to breathe is beneficial for our mind and body. You have to feel better shortly after the exercises and know that those are proven as beneficial for long term practitioners.

You can ask for more information about this writing to

Friday, April 04, 2003

13TH REVELATION - Mayan Prophesies

(Click Here For Printer Friendly Version)

Dear reader,

It is important that you have some background before reading the following information.
This information is directly from the Council of Indigenous Priests and Elders. It is for all to read and it is their official stand on what will occur during the next few years. After 500+ years of being kicked in head by every conceivable army, religion, government and numerous opportunistic groups it is no wonder that this beleaguered culture that is hanging on to survival by their collective fingernails, would have a gloomy outlook on the future.

Just one example of this is the massive amount of birth defects that are happening to all Maya right now because the only work available to them is spraying pesticides on crops by hand and the genetically engineered corn that is the only food supplied to them. Remember where those two twins came from who were just separated at the tops of their heads? Guatemala that is where. Who lives in Guatemala that have brown skins?

Okay, now this group, The Maya, has one point of view. That point of view is not privileged with the tech that we have or the accumulated knowledge of solutions we possess. They only have their common experience. And that experience has been universally very bad concerning "Whitey." "Whitey?" That's most of you reading this. It has become their religion that all of you should suffer greatly and that justice will then be done and the world will return to the meek. No one is more humble or meek than the Maya people right now. What is more important is that what they are saying is going to be the exact truth unless humanity wakes up to the reason and the process of change in the coming evolution of consciousness. Without some understanding of the massive changes we are facing and the speed at which they will change, unholy shit is going to hit every fan everywhere.

Go ahead and read as much of this as you have the stomach for and then, when you are filled with dread go to the provided link at the bottom of each page. This link will show you what else, on a very positive note, is also on the schedule of creation for this very same next nine years. It is our choice which reality we will experience. This is all a co-creation of our reality with consciousness as a very powerful ally. Light a candle and watch how fast darkness flees.



The Voice of the Jungle and the Messenger of the Mayans

National Council of Elders, Spiritual Guides

Message to the World

1975 - 2001 - 13th Revelation and the Last One

Elders in Meditation,

June 23, 2002, Day of the Solstice, 5 Keme in the Mayan Calendar

The Grand Elder, the Head of the Council of Elders, he was presented and the other Elders as well, with an array of events, serious in nature, so serious that they are difficult to describe. They were presented to them as if seeing them on a movie screen: on the screen are passages in time, how we have lived and where we are now.

For the mighty ones – the bankers, industrialists, business people, it has been prime time, a time of big gains. Deceivers, blackmail and corruption appears, it’s a stepping stone to climb up to their glory. A season of harvest for the big manipulators.

The strength in the politics of an organization that hopes to govern the world becomes clear. New experiments in genetics are made known to the public. There is a force appearing that gives a sense of rebirthing of the world…the pride of men. The atomic energy. Afterwords…famine and vandalism. The economy comes down to the ground.

The first symptoms of unknown illnesses are seen, attacking without compassion. No known cure, a slow death awaits. All will be sleeping when the volcanos wake up with an uproar as if they were working in unison.

Slowly the contamination ruptures the planet’s veil. Hatred becomes more evident. All are mentally ill. Confusion increases, and heated up by the fury of this turbulence of time, industry and economy crumbles down to the ground. Businesses close down, unemployment is on the increase and the channels of information are blocked. The proposals are not in the best interest of people, only in appearance. They not only take advantage of the poor nations, but they also humiliate them. The whole situation gets worse. The good economy disappears. The cunning mighty and greedy ones will poison themselves, they were not wise.

War spreads out, reaching all nations. Pride takes a seat on the nations throne. The plagues expand throughout the planet…there is no escape. The wise and humble were not listened to. Science, pride, and the deceivers planted their venom for their populations, they stained the crops with blood.

The punishment…the fire is lit up throughout the earth, thus losing its beauty. Death has wings, it is smelled everywhere. The armies are mobilizing their weapons. They are the lords, they are the only ones. The earth weeps, she rumbles, and the agony of death is extreme. Taking large steps, the materialistic society takes many changes before its precipitation into an abyss. It takes its last cry.

The harvests are lost to torrential rains and extreme droughts. Telluric movements will constantly be on the increase, and the earth’s structure will crumble and disintegrate. The layers of snow crack, releasing their veins, causing hot water to spring up to the surface. She has fever inside.

A yellowish sky is to be seen. It is busy due to so much death. Countries afflicted with poverty are taken advantage of and used for the benefit of war. But, in the other hand, the ancient cities as always are awaiting for their triumphant restoration and the spiritual guides are visualizing already the future for their children.

Now, tower of Galica, in all its’ splendor, soon you will be at ground level. Manmade mountains will dry up. In a matter of minutes all will come to its end. Churches are swaying side to side. Cities will sink to the bottom of the oceans. False prophets will gain acceptance from men, and will be bathed in marvels. They are the representatives of the peoples in the face of the law. These are years of confusion and selection.

You, Elders of wisdom, be prudent and humble, and those whom you guide will be nourished by celestial rays. Furthermore, protection will receive those who listen to the teachings of the wise men, for the knowledge they have received comes from the spirit of love and their well behavior. The price is the light of understanding and we’ll never be alone. Thus, be great, but great in personal power and not in greed. Know how to listen, how to forgive. Know how to forget. These will be the tests for the people of wisdom.

Side by side will be the hypocrites, the deceivers, and the betrayers. They will be presented before you as your best friends, as your best servant. But behind your backs they will be criticizing you. With their own tongues they will be strained out and separated as the waste, and they will be thrown out of the corral.

2002 – 2015

New preparation towards destruction. Weapons are flying, false leaders have power. The world gives its authorization to the yellow skin. They are invincible and resistant. Their armies put an end to their enemies. They shoot very destructive rockets. Rusted looking cadavers are seen on the rocks. The world is speechless and all communication is lost. The armies, smashed like ants, were the last weapons. Alive still, their flesh falls, they kneel down in the face of death.

Signs in the sky continue to be seen. They are announcing what is going on. They have lost their mind, they care no more. Suicide is their only solution to avoid seeing all the suffering around, and the agony of nature.

The time has come, the date of the year zero. The sun and the moon will change their colors. Darkness will envelope the planet. Weapons are now useless. Corpses will resemble paintings on the earth. Millions of years of a blooming earth will burn down in less than 20 years. The earth, overheated by internal fever, will start to vomit its liquids and heated gases, lava rivers of fire. Entire nations will disappear. Voices of indigenous languages will be heard in the sky. Famine will come. They will run to the oceans in search of food. The germinated seed of the past, in times of hunger, will no longer yield wheat. Containers of grains will be empty, and the animals all gone. They were eaten up by the hungry ones.

The turbans, they will always be. They have come through many generations. No one expects a new morning of hope. However, in the midst of all misfortune surges the renaissance of a light, the light of a new, flourishing life. It is a thin light, it barely shines. There is so much hope. But there is so much hope when the voice of the cultivator is heard, the enlightened ones sowing under the shade of the clouds, touching the hearts of the survivors, the children of time.

The usurper is wounded, yet continues with a new deception. Dressed up in untouchable purple robes. Only a few are listening to their songs. Their materials for deception will not last long. See them now, they are on their thrones. New revelations will come to the men of light, thoughts illuminated by the spirit of the chosen reincarnated ones. They have a humanitarian mission, humbleness, kindness, and patience…patience with these people, for they were deceived by the false liberators.

The true message will travel throughout the earth. The so long awaited messengers are the lords of wisdom and peace, children of the light. Keep that light lit deep in your hearts. Do not allow that light to be turned off by frivolous rituals and sentimental verses. For those who will come across your path and will knock at your door offering you salvation, or the heavens. Others will offer you money or romantic love. Others even will threaten you with a trip to hell. Out of fear, many will accept.

The current different denominations follow a mission of deception in order to put their leaders on a throne of gold. But it has been embroidered with the blood of human hearts. Consumed to ashes, they will fall off their throne. Desperate howling will be heard in the last moments before the total destruction. Their world has come to an end.

No more people left to form new battalions. To the might ones, the greedy, the selfish, the vain, all those who embrace and dwell on their treasures, the money is useless, its value is lost.

The moment has come, everything has dried out and is contaminated. This has already been foretold by our ancestors, our spiritual guides. Then, many will ask themselves, has the emperor died? Thrones and candleholders of gold are useless and the four pillars have lost their strength. The earth spins in opposite direction. All the ideologies and the materialism has come to an end. The so long awaited times will be of love and harmony among all living beings. The spiritual guides will powerfully teach, preparing for the second arrival of the Promised Land. All this has been announced for the period of 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau. The Children of the Sun, The Children of the Fire, are the Children of Time. The Mayans are the Lords, the travelers of time. They kill us, but we are reborn again.

This is passed on to you as a mandate from the Invisible Beings, and is passed on by the Grand Elder Member of the National Council of Elders. With the authorization of the Council it is being passed on to you. Thank you, my brothers and sisters

The Kalha Foundation

Guatemala City 13 Street 864

Guatemala, Guatemala

Strange Birth of a Brainwave
You don't believe in ESP? Then maybe your mind's taken a quantum leap.


Imagine what it might be like to be a sub-atomic particle living in the bizarre and ambiguous world described by quantum mechanics.Single particles going through two holes at once; matter existing in several states simultaneously;pairs of electrons influencing each other though separated by great distances.But suppose those were the rules governing our everyday world?
This radical proposal has just been put forward at an Institute of Psychiatry conference in South London."I don't think we have to assume a universe of independent atoms," declared Chris Clarke, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Southampton."I believe global quantum effects with entities acting in concert are not that uncommon."
One impetus behind Prof Clarke's thesis is the long running problem that consciousness poses for classical physics.What is awareness doing in a universe described totally in terms of matter? A growing number of researchers believe that some features of the mind are better explained by a quantum model.Recently a number of simple psychology experiments have come up with results that pose serious problems for the classical model but fit the quantum one quite well.
One of these was performed at the Institute of Psychiatry last summer by Dr Peter Fenwick,a clinical neurophysiologist and organiser of the conference.He found that one half of a couple who have a strong emotional connection - lovers or parent and child - can tell when something is happening to their other half although both are in separate rooms and cannot hear or see each other.
Dr Fenwick hooked the couples up to EEG machines,which measure brainwaves,and at intervals played a sound to one of them."We found a definite response in the brainwaves of the other half of the couple a few seconds afterwards,but the effect only happened with people who were close," he says.
According to our current scientific model these results are not possible.Brainwaves are strictly located in the brains and the only way they communicate with other brainwaves is through the five senses.A way to bring Dr Fenwick's experiment back to the scientific fold is to interpret it in terms of quantum mechanics,which is not so hostile to action at a distance.
Traditionally,of course,quantum and classical mechanics rule quite different realms.But other apparently quantum effects,such as the rule that the act of observing something actually changes it, have also been emerging from experiments.
In a study at Southampton University,reported in the first issue of a new publication The Journal of Consciousness Studies,psychiatrist Dr Chris Nunn and his colleagues measured subjects' brainwaves while they were performing a simple - pressing a button when certain numbers appeared on a screen.
Sometimes the EEG machine recorded from the left side of the brain,which is involved in this sort of task,and sometimes from the right,which is not,but neither the subjects nor the experimenter knew which side was being recorded.The key finding was that when the left side was being recorded the subjects did better and missed fewer numbers.Recording from the right side made no difference.
This also doesn't make any sense in terms of Newtonian physics and the implications for years of brainwave studies are horrendous,but it fits a quantum model - that observing something turns a possibility into an event.
"We did this experiment to test the hypothesis that conscious decision-making is associated with the end of a quantum computation," says Dr Nunn."Very much to our surprise we found evidence that it was."
Until very recently such an idea would have been rejected out of hand.But a new candidate for this role has emerged in the form of minute structures within brain cells called microtubules.
In another of the lectures at the conference Roger Penrose,professor of mathematics at Oxford, talked about his new book,Shadows of the Mind which describes how microtubules,once thought of as mere scaffolding for cells,might be orchestrating the brain's quantum activity.
"I believe consciousness is not just something arising out of the activity of brain cells but a global capacity that allows us to take into account the whole of a situation at once," he says.
"It could be that the microtubules in the brain provide a unique environment where the possibilities of the quantum level collapse into an actual state without being influenced by the environment." But how this works or what the implications for psychology or neurosciences might be if it were true are not all that clear.
Many believe that if the brain and consciousness are functioning at a quantum level then all of that damned data from parapsychology suddenly has a home.Endless ESP studies showing that people can identify the card someone is looking at in another room more accurately than chance,or even predict what card they are going to look at,are given a rationale.
But Dr Penrose is not very happy with a mystical free-for-all.He locates his quantum effects firmly within the brain.
"I am very cautious about the quantum - psychic connection.It is entertaining speculation but that's all. Quantum mechanics has very specific rules.For instance,complex numbers are central to the theory but people who construct quantum-based mystical metaphors ignore them because they don't fit."
"I think there is strong evidence for precognition but I haven't done the maths yet to work out what else is allowed," he says.

'Dimensions beyond dimensions'
By Eric Swedlund
Arizona Daily Wildcat
June 16, 1999
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Nicholas Valenzuela
Arizona Daily Wildcat

Dr. Eric Scott Pearl speaks during the panel discussion about spiritual healers and human energy research at the University Medical Center's DuVal Auditorium Friday night. University of Arizona scientists organized the panel discussion with a dream team of psychics and spiritual healers who are involved with their research.

Arizona Summer Wildcat

While scientists rarely dabble in the realm of the spirit, the world beyond the grave stole center stage Friday at the UA.

University of Arizona scientists organized a dream team of psychics and spiritual healers to push the limits of human energy research, and unveiled the panel to an audience at University Medical Center's DuVal Auditorium.

"Energy has a kind of an immortality," said Gary Schwartz, a UA psychology professor. "What would it mean if survival of consciousness was true, 100 percent fact, as true as the starlight that continues in the sky forever? How would that change our lives, how we practice medicine?"

With each beat of a person's heart, electromagnetic energy is released, and that energy continues onward, past the body, like the light from a distant star.

Studying this energy, Schwartz has been able to detect the presence of one person's heart beat in another person's brain activity during experiments. This could be the link between science and psychic activity, Schwartz said.

Six spiritual mediums, including authors, healers and one who referred to herself as a former "cynical journalist," presented some of their beliefs and experiences to a crowd of about 200.

"Death is an illusion," said Anne Gehman, who some consider among the top psychics. "I have seen the other side."

Gehman said she has seen evidence of the continuity of life, and has dedicated her life to serving others through spiritual mediumship.

She said she has communicated with the spiritual world since a near-death experience at the age of 14, and has seen "dimensions beyond dimensions beyond dimensions."

"I've rarely met an individual who didn't share with me an experience that gave them the awareness of something in the beyond," Gehman said.

Once during a psychic reading, she spontaneously spoke Greek, a language she has no familiarity with, to communicate as a medium between a man and his deceased relative.

"The language of the soul is love, thought and feeling," Gehman said.

Laurie Campbell, a medium who has worked with Schwartz and his research partner Linda Russek for a year and a half, said she started seeing colors during meditation in 1994, and has since had telepathic communication with the other side.

Campbell called herself a "scientific research medium."

She has assisted Schwartz and Russek at the UA's Human Energy Systems Lab. Their study brought together what Schwartz called the "Michael Jordans of the mediumship world," and tested them under scientifically controlled conditions.

"For everyone, the proof is different in the way it comes," Campbell said. "We've come together as a group to bring this to humanity."

Schwartz said research of this nature has never before been attempted.

"In a major medical school, in an academic setting, bridging these worlds - for me to be witnessing this as a participant is a tremendous gift," Schwartz said.

The research will be presented as an HBO documentary titled, "Life After Life," which is set to air in October.

"Often in the past, mediums have been uncomfortable to work with scientists," Schwartz said. "The UA is doing something that is truly forward."

Diane Golden, a former journalist, was a complete skeptic until she researched a story about a woman who developed spiritual abilities with a Hindu guru. She remained doubtful, but became compelled by spiritual healing.

"Not only do I think it is possible to develop the ability of spiritual healing, I think most of us already have the ability," Golden said.

She wrote a book on her research titled, Infinite Grace: Where the Worlds of Science and Spiritual Healing Meet.

Golden spoke about one form of healing in particular, called resonance, in which the healer lays hands on the subject and the two spiritually merge.

"The healer is ultimately becoming more coherent and more conscious," Golden said. "What if people always connected to each other on that level?"

Dr. Eric Scott Pearl, who worked as a chiropractor for 18 years, said he had an experience six years ago that was "more than a little odd."

Pearl had a psychic reading at a beach in Los Angeles and later, at the pressure of a woman friend, went to see the psychic twice more.

Shortly after his last visit, Pearl was working in his office and said he knew something was very different, so he began to experiment with spiritual healing.

After working with one man, his hands were covered with small blisters, but they were gone in two hours.

Pearl also said he received several spiritual communications that told him he is "bringing light and information onto the planet."

Suzanne Northrop's journey into spiritual mediumship began at the age of 13, when she spoke with her dead grandmother.

"I had a very hard time with this death thing," she said. "My grandmother looked better dead than when she was alive and I wasn't sure what that meant."

Northrop said she has been talking with dead people her whole life.

"Absolutely the dead talk to us," she said. "Do we listen? That's another story."

Northrop said Schwartz's research is highly unique.

"Scientists and mediums are the two weirdest groups of people in the world, and they're trying to find a common ground," she said.

Northrop said it is a grand privilege to be able to connect dead people with their loved ones.

"Everybody knows love is the greatest force on Earth," Northrop said. "That force of love is so damn strong that nothing can stop it."

John Edwards, whose background is in health care, said he is interested in "validating the validation" of the mediumship world.

His book, titled One Last Time: A Psychic Medium Speaks to Those We Have Loved and Lost, tries to demystify the work.

"Energy is around people," Edwards said. "Everybody can have that one last time."

Aaron C. Donahue

The Psychic Revealed;
The Wise Will Mark his Words

The mystery psychic and remote viewer from whom the inspiration for this column is kindled is our son.

Aaron C. Donahue was born with a wonderful gift. He possesses capabilities that most people neither comprehend nor believe, even though he can prove them in the most interesting ways. Through advanced right-brain and psychic functioning, Donahue knows people's thoughts and leaves his body to travel anywhere on the earth, the universe or time he chooses. He has the ability to learn the best kept secrets behind any person or institution, and he can accurately predict future events and present revelations of the past.

Because he is so sensitive to the world in which he lives, Donahue appears to spend much of his time in seclusion. He usually dresses in black, as do his associates, because of his sensitivity to bright colors.

It should come as no surprise that Donahue frightens many people he comes in contact with. We live in a world in which everyone lives in secrecy, and for Donahue, there are no secrets. He knows everyone's thoughts. He can tell a total stranger exactly what his or her home looks like, right down to small details. Because of his background in medicine, he can mentally look inside a person's body and describe his or her exact state of health.

While in college, Donahue was a brilliant student who stunned his professors with challenging new ideas. He has since discovered that reading is, at least for him, a waste of time. He can absorb information from any book by placing it by his pillow at night while he sleeps.

But he says there is an even better "library" of information instantly available to anyone who learns to reach it. This, he says, is something called a "collective," a place in that strange area outside of the body where all human thought is stored. A brief visit there, and Donahue says he can absorb volumes of knowledge on any known topic.

So just who is Aaron Donahue? Is he what most humans would refer to as a modern genius?

He denies this. Donahue says he believes he may be one of many people like himself in existence on this planet whose jobs are to assist the human race reach a new level of mental evolution.

"Anyone can do what I do," he said. "But they must first raise their level of human consciousness. They must learn to use the right side of their brain. They must raise their total frequency so it resonates at higher levels."

Because of the looming changes in the planet, brought on by human pollution and overpopulation, Donahue says that people must learn to raise their level of consciousness very soon or expect to perish.

He said most people, at best, use less than 10 percent of their brain throughout their life. Nearly everyone is limited to left-brain, or rote functioning. Only creative people like musicians, writers and artists achieve the ability to use a portion of the right brain. What Donahue is doing is learning to turn on all of the brain.

"I find it astounding that nobody ever questions why we were born with such large brains if all we ever use is such a small part. I also find it astounding that most doctors who specialize in the brain believe the right hemisphere of the brain is a useless, leftover relic from the distant past. They compare it to our appendix because we never use it. Why hasn't anybody questioned this?"

Donahue said he discovered his psychic abilities as a young child. While just thinking about being someplace, he said he found himself slipping out of his body and going there.

After a near death experience in 1995, he said he began having disturbing visions of future social and ecological collapse. In an attempt to learn more about these visions and to master his abilities, Donahue applied and was accepted for remote viewing training with Psi Tech, a private California-based facility then operated by Major Edward Dames.

Dames, perhaps the best known remote viewer in the world, was a former intelligence specialist for the U. S. Army, where he headed a team of remote viewers. Remote viewing was an experiment in mind travel used during the Cold War years. It is a way of temporarily shutting down the left side of the brain and using right-brain activity to describe enemy fortifications. It is a technique for spying that does not put the viewer in harm's way.

The military used remote viewing on a limited basis during the cold war and as recently as the 1990 Gulf War, but then shut down the program because of issues involving a disclosure.

Maj. Dames left the military at that time and formed Psi Tech. There he brought an elite team of his best remote viewers. This team continued to develop remote viewing, worked as an advisor to the military, and trained new people. Donahue was among the people chosen to train at Psi Tech.

In preparation for Psi Tech, Donahue completed three weeks of intensive training in out-of-body experience and other psychic functions at Monroe Institute, in Fabre, Va.

While at Monroe Institute, Donahue participated in an advanced program for psychics that used patented sound frequencies to emulate the death experience. His training also included helping spirits of the dead move with ease into the next world.

He said that contrary to popular belief, death is an unexpectedly pleasant experience. It is not the end of life, but a passing from once existence into another.

Since his work with Dames, Donahue says he has been working to advance his skills as a remote viewer, carrying the technique to new levels.

He has used his skills to unlock the secrets of alpha numerics, all mystery schools, the discovery and interpretation of the Hopi prophecy stone tablet and the Nostradamus quatrains. He also has explored the distant past and discovered the truth behind the real history of the human race. He says humans have been lied to for thousands of years.

"We were supposed to have evolved but we were prevented from doing this," Donahue said.

He said something is going to happen that will separate all humans. Those people who have learned who they are and succeeded in raising their frequency will experience a change but they will be limited in number. Most humans will be left confused and confounded. He said the veil that has prevented them from seeing the truth will be lifted.

"Our DNA is changing now at a greater rate than social paradigms. Thus chaos inspires the unity of our intelligence regardless of conditioning," Donahue said. "There are no secrets."

Donahue said he also has examined the looming apocalypse and knows when and how it will happen. "It is not what everybody thinks. It is going to be much worse."

He said severe weather changes, caused by world industrial pollution and global warming, plus an onset of new plant pathogens, is already creating a severe food shortage in the world. Other emerging horrors include new life threatening illnesses, including a new sickness spread to humans from infected livestock (written in July 2000) and a new sexually transmitted disease.

He envisions a catastrophic global event that will change the world super powers as they exist today into a united socialist government friendly to the ideas of eco-safe commerce and a very unusual kind of food production. He said human population will be reduced.

His advice to people for dealing with the looming change is relatively simple. First, Donahue said, we must learn to look within to find understanding. If more is needed, "look to people like Mikhail Gorbachov, the Dali Lama, or Sathya Sai Baba of India for influence concerning unity."

Above all, Donahue urges people to love one another. "The light of human love is now very dim. If you do not love you will die," he warned. "And you must tend the garden (the Earth). You must stop polluting. If you don't stop we will make you stop for the sake of our children and our own future here on Earth."

(Visit Aaron's web site at

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Here's an article about David Blaine in the Guardian UK...especially interesting is the bit regarding his appearance on Carson Daly's talk show Last Call. Apparently, and according to several accounts, he pulls his heart out of his chest.

This video is offered in streaming form on a couple sites I found through Google, but they're really glitchy and don't load properly.

I might even call the network and see if I can get a copy of the show...

Is this the new Houdini?

Today magician and stuntman David Blaine embarks on his latest trick. He will stand on a 90ft pillar for 35 hours before jumping off into a pile of cardboard boxes. But is he the real thing or is he a charlatan? Oliver Burkeman talks him down from a two-inch-wide railing 30 storeys above the streets of New York

Tuesday May 21, 2002
The Guardian

High above Fifth Avenue, on the rooftop of a stately 30-storey apartment block, up where the air begins to chill and the gusting winds muffle the sound of horns from the street below, there is an old iron fire escape bolted to the side of the building. There is nothing beneath it except more fire escape and then, far below, the tree-lined sidewalks and the convoys of yellow cabs. It doesn't look terribly stable, and it would take a particularly fierce blaze to make stepping on to the iron platform a remotely sane thing to do. Right now, though, David Blaine, the illusionist turned purveyor of telegenic feats of endurance, is posing for photographs not on the platform but on the two-inch thick railing that is there to stop people falling off the platform.
There are plenty of people - rivals, mostly - who think Blaine is a charlatan, who say he has used his languid good looks and camera-friendly manner to transform a passable familiarity with some run-of-the-mill magic tricks into - abracadabra! - a furiously lucrative media phenomenon and a life spent hanging out at parties with Leonardo DiCaprio and the Clintons. They may well be right. But at this point in time it must be conceded that he is balancing on a two-inch-thick strip of metal, high above a very hard New York street, and still managing to hold down his end of a conversation.

"I'm just hoping it's not this windy next week," the 29-year-old is saying in a stoned, barely-conscious monotone that jars with his precarious position. "Because if it is, I'm going to be fighting for my life." He is referring to the moment, at 5pm UK time today, when he will climb to the top of a 90-foot pillar in Bryant Park, in midtown Manhattan. He plans to stand on the pillar's 22-inch-wide surface for 35 hours, without a harness, without food, without liquids, and without safety nets to protect him from the flagstones beneath. At the 35th hour, during a live television special on Wednesday, assistants will stack cardboard boxes at the foot of the pillar, and Blaine will jump.

Assuming that this stunt is all it seems to be - and that disclaimer is pretty much unavoidable where Blaine is concerned - it will be significantly more dangerous than the one for which he is most famous: spending 61 hours encased in a six-ton block of ice on Times Square. "With the ice, if there was a problem, they could cut me out," he says. "With this one, if there's a problem, and I come down, there's nothing but pavement, so... you can figure out what would happen." And yet he claims to be looking forward to the experience, just as he looked forward to the ice and to the time before that, when he was buried alive for five days with just enough water to keep him alive. "When I do these things, it's like the one moment that I'm actually clearheaded," he says.

Back downstairs in his apartment - black marble floors; snapshots of DiCaprio on the wall; biographies of Houdini in a glass cabinet - Blaine shows off the five-foot wooden training platform he has been using to build up his stamina. Then he slots a videotape into his home-cinema system and plays footage of the practice he's been doing in recent months in the wind-whipped Nevada desert, plunging over and over again from a steel tower on to a stack of cardboard boxes. (He broke two ribs and received whiplash injuries.) Ask him about mental preparation, though, and he turns his sleepy eyes on you without expression. "If I put you on the top of a building ledge and told you that if you fall forward, you're going to die," he says, "you would try not to fall forward."

It has to be said that this, for Blaine, is actually a relatively illuminating response. The last time he was interviewed on British television, by Eamonn Holmes, he said almost nothing. For several excruciating minutes, right in the middle of GMTV's peppy morning chatter, he just stared at the presenter.

Blaine scares people. A surprising number of them seem to think he is actually the devil, an impression they gain not so much from his high-profile stunts - which are, they presume, at least theoretically possible - as from the up-close "street magic" he has perfected in a series of TV specials (and for which the stunts, not accidentally, serve as excellent publicity). In one scene, Blaine borrows a quarter from a woman on a Manhattan street and bites a chunk out of it; then he spits the piece out and the quarter is complete again. The woman's eyes widen and the cry of panic she emits doesn't sound completely like she's having fun. At one point her companion, perhaps five months pregnant, declares: "I'm gonna have my baby right here." In another trick, he asks a woman in a bar to pick a card, any card, sign her name on it and put it back in the deck. He throws the deck in the air and asks her to inspect her beer bottle. When she sees the card inside the neck, her name visible through the glass, she doesn't laugh. She looks like she's going to cry. A musclebound American football player, baffled by another Blaine illusion, is reduced to a confused mumble about how he's got to go and have a shower. In each case, the camera lingers on their confusion, refusing to move on to the next trick. This is Blaine's trademark, and it gets to the heart of why he enrages other magicians: these people weren't expecting a magic show, and Blaine, in his close-fitting T-shirt, didn't look like a magician. Thus their overwhelming astonishment, even if the tricks themselves were only fairly good.

"That's why I do it," Blaine says, sitting in the back of his chauffeured car and fielding calls on his cellphone from producers and talkshow bookers in between bites of chicken and rice with hot jalapeno peppers. "There's a moment when they just wonder. Einstein said there's a handful of people that know everything, and those people go around in complete astonishment. They see the leaves, they look at the clouds, they smell the air when it's been raining." His cellphone buzzes again. "And I don't see these things most of the time, because I go around with a wire clamped to the side of my head."

In the most astonishing of his tricks, Blaine simply levitates: floats a full foot in the air on the boardwalk at Atlantic City, in front of bystanders whose jaws drop as their eyes widen; in many cases they literally turn and run. It's an impressive feat, but also another illusion that annoys his critics: it's actually a simple trick combined with glossy production values. What he really does is a time-honoured illusion called the Balducci levitation, in which an audience, if they're positioned at exactly the correct angle in relation to the illusionist, seem to see him rise an inch or two in the air (he is actually standing on the tip of one toe). Then - though he'd never admit to it, and won't discuss it - he cuts footage of reactions to the trick with footage of himself being hauled into the air on a cable. "Look. If I'm a target, I'm a target," Blaine says of his critics. "At least I'm a target."

But the stunts are different: clearly, they involve genuine danger. "It's not a death wish," he says when I suggest that this is what it looks like. "It's a life wish. When you take all the plea sures away - food, water, space, light - you appreciate it in a new way. I've been reading this book about the Holocaust, what was done to these women and children in Poland, lined up in jail cells, mothers and their kids stuffed by the hundreds on top of each other, given no food, no water, kept in there for three or four days... little kids and women, and a lot of them survived. They really fought." Yes, but they had no choice. You do. Why risk death if you don't have to? "There's a risk of death every time you get on an airplane."

More than anything, though, it is the death of his mother from cancer that looms largest in his numerous answers to the question: why does he do it? "I watched my mother suffer from cancer for years, and never complain once," he says. "So, in a weird sense, I understand more of what my mother did, to appreciate more, I like doing things that are just, for me, honest. The rest of my life is so full of nonsense."

There is an expectant atmosphere in the studios of the NBC television network, at the Rockefeller Centre in New York. Blaine is due to appear for a recording of Last Call with Carson Daly, a chat and music show hosted by an amiable graduate of MTV and widely watched by a certain segment of the late-teenage demographic, who have turned out tonight in force. They are prolifically pierced, dressed in black and chains, and here primarily to see an absurdly camp heavy metal band called Coal Chamber. Except when the group's name is mentioned, they just look sullen. A stage manager bounds to the front to warm them up, but soon abandons the attempt. "Are you people only happy about death?" he eventually asks, exasperated.

Finally it is Blaine's turn. He is as soporific as ever, which is hardly Daly's style. Daly asks him to describe the best magic trick ever. "The best trick I ever saw," Blaine deadpans, "was this magician who pulled a girl up on stage, and he cut her in half, but he never restored her. He, like, put a rug over her, and there was blood everywhere, and then most of the people in the audience ran out. And that was the end of the trick." A few Coal Chamber fans begin, reluctantly, to titter.

Blaine talks about his most recent girlfriend, the model Josie Maran, and how he has a J tattooed over his heart. He unbuttons his white shirt and shows the tattoo to the audience. Then the conversation moves to Blaine's illusions, and he tells Daly that he has mastered the ability to slow his own pulse down as much as he likes - indeed, to stop it completely. He offers the presenter his wrist, and stares straight ahead, apparently meditating. Within seconds, Daly is reporting that Blaine's pulse has indeed ceased. "That can't be healthy," he says.

This is what Blaine does next: he unbuttons his shirt again, only this time he starts prodding the flesh around his heart, probing deeper and deeper. Daly looks shocked. Then Blaine's face contorts and a rivulet of blood begins to flow from the skin of his chest: he seems to have pierced the surface. The audience gasps in horror. Seconds later, he has worked a larger hole with his fingers and plunged his hand inside. Then, with a bellow of pain, blood spatters on to the stage and Blaine pulls out a large, quivering heart, dripping crimson blood.

Daly is up on his feet, horrified, stepping backwards towards the wings. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," says a pierced girl sitting to my left. "This isn't fun any more." At which point Blaine, groaning in agony, hauls himself to his feet, stumbles forwards a couple of steps, and collapses heavily on to the front of the stage.

The audience falls silent. "Is there someone we can call?" Daly asks. He notices that the cameras are still rolling. "Cut!" he yells. "Cut!" He looks again at Blaine's lifeless body, and then he hurries from the stage. He never returns.

The studio lights go up, and five security guards appear from nowhere to lift Blaine from the stage, carrying him out through the central aisle of the studio. In hushed voices, audience members begin to vent their confusion. "There was no resolution," a Coal Chamber fan on the row in front of me is muttering, over and over. "There was no resolution. There was no resolution."

Eventually a studio employee clambers up on stage and explains to the audience that the show is over. Disoriented, they file out of the swing doors, past NBC ushers who themselves look dazed with horror. They head for the elevators, down into the lobby and towards the darkening Manhattan evening. Then they are gone, and then the stricken ushers leave too. And then there is no sound but the insistent rasp of a stagehand pulling duct tape up from the floor, and then the studio is silent.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

A friend called me last night. He was confused and depressed, unsure why he wasted precious time when he could be doing something positive and productive for himself. He began to list off the litany of details that he needed to get around to. His "list" was long and ever-growing, and he was feeling overwhelmed. He mentioned that since he didn't have caring parents (he was essentially dis-owned for being gay), he had no one who could track his life-long attempt at progress, thus giving him an objective sounding board. No one to say "hey, you're doing all right for yourself!"

I told him that he was doing many great things for himself, and that all he needed to do was to sit back for a moment and look at how far he'd come in the last two years- despite some heavy set-backs - to be proud. I said that all these great things were for himself, and no one else, and that it can be incredibly empowering to change ones mindset from "I can't" or "I'm not" to "I can" and "I am". That this simple semantic shift can be a powerful, magical linguistic tool to puncture the barrier between dimensions, in this case from the thought-dimension to the reality dimension.

And about that list? We all have them, they are ever-growing until we die, so we might as well just enjoy noodling over them like a crossword puzzle. You don't get upset if you don't finish that crossword puzzle, right?

I sensed his relaxation almost immediately. I felt him take responsibility as he pondered this way of thinking. I could tell that this simple exercise was giving him the boost he needed, and might be something that could sustain him through his future.

It also brought me back to how I deal with stress and negative emotion: I purge negative thoughts and bring in positive ones.

And I thought about how I do this automatically. I guess I learned at a very early age that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, and that the world around me changed drastically, almost immediately, the moment I changed a thought pattern.

It brought me back to how important it is to master these basic grounding skills, and further, to use these same skills to manifest the results we want in our lives.

So, backing up from the advanced skill exercises I've been posting of late, let's take a moment to review some basic manifesting exercises that we can all benefit from, courtesy of clear and conscious writer Julia Jablonski. I found her piece this morning after my talk with my friend, and was happy to find that the Higher Power that spoke through me when giving him advice is indeed some tried-and-true methods of visualization (gee, I thought I'd made them up all on my very own!!!).


Manifesting Exercises

by Julia Jablonski

Copyright 2000

To begin today to develop greater prosperity consciousness, you can:

Determine those things you love spending money on and relish the experience. Linger in that feeling of joy as you count out the cash or write out the check. Ponder and examine this feeling, and keep it in the front of your memory. Before you write out checks for your bills or other expenses, draw this feeling up first. As you write out a check for your rent or mortgage, give thanks for what you've received. Take a moment to generate gratitude for the home that you sleep safe and warm in every night.

Surround yourself with those who have what you want to develop. If you've already got a good handle on your own money issues and prosperity consciousness, you can probably hang around those who struggle and not suffer as a result. You can then be a positive influence on them. If, however, this is an area where you have difficulty, at first you may need to avoid those with lack mentalities.
Remember when you were young and your parents didn't let you play with kids they thought would be "bad influences?" Well, if you're around people who mirror those qualities or issues you want to leave behind, it's going to be a lot harder to change. Begin to seek out people who can model for you what you want to become. Surround yourself with positive, successful people.

When you must be with folks who demonstrate negativity by complaining or worrying about what they don't want, remain awake and alert! Use the experience to remind yourself that this is not what you want, and not what you're creating in your life anymore. Use it as a reminder to be MORE positive. If you want to get fit, and your whole family is overweight and out of shape, you probably can't avoid your family, but you can look at their health problems or low energy and allow it to reaffirm your dedication to creating greater health and vitality in your own life.

Visualize/Ask for what you want, and be specific. As described in the article entitled "Prosperity Consciousness," begin by determining how you want to FEEL. Get into that feeling state by imagining yourself fulfilling your dreams or desires. This is the key element in all manifesting work. It's not getting crisp in the details that leads to success, it's getting deeply into the feeling state you desire that works magic. In fact, once we get that feeling state moving, we're wise to surrender the details to the Universe. Holding on to what we think will make us feel a certain way can block the Universe from delivering what would indeed make us truly happy.

Look for reasons to be grateful. Gratitude is in itself PROSPERITY! All we're truly seeking when we want anything is a feeling of fulfillment and well being, that we are loved, cared for and blessed. That feeling can be ours in any moment when we stop and reflect on all we already have. Even if we just lost the spouse we think we can't live without, got fired because we were so neurotic about the spouse, and found out we had two cavities at the dentist, we can give thanks we we're still alive, our whole lives are ahead of us, and we have the opportunity to start over with unlimited potential to create new relationships and career opportunities. We might even give thanks for the state of modern dentistry; two hundred years ago we might have been giving thanks we had any teeth left! Opportunities to be grateful abound!
Reflect on all the abundance you have now and in the past. If you're reading this, you have access to a computer and the Internet. How amazing is that, when you stop to think about it? Imagine the pioneers battling to survive the winter on canned goods, half rotten potatoes and squirrel meat, in cabins heated by a wood-burning stove. Our lives are incredibly rich with comforts and blessings; we have only to look for them.

Remember that what goes around, comes around. We can apply this at a metaphysical level in what we think or wish for others. I have a thriving personal spiritual reading practice, for example, which is something that many psychics or readers find difficult to manifest. While I strive to provide a great service at a great price, I also wish each and every client not only total satisfaction, but also that the money they pay for the reading be returned to them tenfold. They don't even know I'm wishing this, yet I know it is in part what keeps the abundance flowing through our lives.
On a more literal level, be generous! If you're wishing your husband would come over and rub your sore neck, but you know he's tired and you don't want to ask him, get up and go rub his neck! If you're wishing someone would invite you out to dinner, be the one who invites! Give without attachment to any return, however, for if you give in order to receive, you've not really given anything, you're still holding onto it energetically. It's not only draining to "give" in this way, but also often disappointing. Remember that what goes around, comes around. You may even end up rubbing that man's neck for three years, and never getting any neck rubs back. What may happen, however, is that the Universe will lead you out of that relationship, and toward a relationship with someone who is generous like you.

Journal or write about what you desire, but write it in the past tense. I have worked miracles with this technique. At one point I wanted to continue to work freelance, but to have a more stable base income. I visualized/journaled that I manifested contract work that was regular and paid X-amount a month, that was in the field of spirituality or metaphysics, and that still allowed me total flexibility over my time and schedule. I then closed that file and went on with my life. Five months later, I went back and read it again, and realized that not only had I manifested just what I had asked for within two months, it paid the exact amount I had requested. (I then wished I had requested more!)

If you find yourself worrying about something, or locked into a "rut" and unable to move forward, just do something. MOVE. Either take some action, even if it seems impractical or silly, or move physically; take a walk, go for a run, swim in the ocean, clean out your closets. Taking action will get your energy moving again, make you feel empowered, and distract your conscious (limited by beliefs and prejudices) mind so your higher mind or subconscious/creative mind can lead you out of the woods.
Similarly, if you want new clothes, get rid of the old ones! If you want a new couch, get rid of the old. If you hang onto it because you're afraid you'll be couchless, then you need to examine your beliefs and expectations. Make room for the new good you desire in your life.

Play with manifesting. Begin small and light. Some of my favorite things to manifest when I'm "playing" are flowers and friendly, happy people. Last summer I decided to manifest flowers, and soon I had flowers everywhere. Not only did my new sweetheart love to show up at the door with a bouquet in hand, my other friends and family began sending me flowers, dropping by with flowers, and flowers even began sprouting up in my yard in unexpected places. It was delightful to watch it all unfold!
Friendly, happy people are easy and fun to manifest as well. Next time you go out with someone who shares your spiritual outlook and understands this idea about how we create our own realities, join forces to manifest friendly, happy people. The synergy you create together should lead to a very pleasant and interesting evening.

Similarly, if you're working at manifesting and you need a boost, ask for signs! If you want money, for example, say, Universe, show me signs that my perfect good is already on the way. You might then decide the sign will be pennies, and then discover pennies everywhere. You might find a penny in your shoe, pennies jangling in your jacket pocket, pennies on the sidewalk, or even more radical signs like a penny under the lettuce in your salad (it's happened!) Another fun thing to try to manifest if you're feeling lonely is phone calls. I can get my phone ringing off the wall if I "put my mind to it!"

Use affirmations. Write them, say them, sing them, dance them, FEEL them.
Some possibilities:

(My own personal daily affirmation at the moment): "My life is rich with lavish abundance, passionate love, health, beauty, harmony and ease."

The infinite and endless abundance of God flows ever through me.

The Universe is abundant, therefore, it is natural to feel abundant. As a child of the Universe, I am naturally at ease, and all my needs are met.

I embrace goodness for myself and others. Nothing is too good to be true; anything is possible.

With God as my Source, anything can happen.

I give freely and fearlessly to life and life gives back to me with fabulous increase.

I let go of worn out or obsolete conditions and relationships and allow the unlimited abundance of God to flow into my experience now.

I feel good, and in feeling good, I know the heart of true abundance. In seeking to express my highest potential, I am honoring the God within me.

I have all the resources, time, energy and wealth to do what I want in my life.

I'm always in the right place at the right time, doing what I'm meant to do.

All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.

I think and dream in unlimited ways.

I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

The more I joyfully give, the more I gratefully receive.

I bless all channels of my unlimited supply of wealth, prosperity, abundance, happiness and good health.

I take my first step into a new life today.

I accept today more good than I experienced yesterday.

Total trust in God alone as the Source opens the gates of plenty in my life. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Improve Your Psychic Skills

A basic guide on on how to enhance your own psychic awareness..



Just about all cars come with a radio built-in as standard, our bodies come with psychic intuition built-in as standard, but like the car radio, it's up to us whether we switch them on or not! To get the best from our car radio, we may need to tune into the various stations, to get the best from our psychic gift we may also need to 'tune' into the signals that are around us. If we keep with this analogy we could also say that some cars come with a higher quality radio receiver, as some people come with a stronger psychic reception. But you can upgrade the radio just as you can improve your psychic awareness.

I hope that answers the common question;- ' Am I psychic? ' - Because you are! So how do we switch it on and begin? If you are reading this then you have already begun! The first step to waking up your psychic faculty is to admit to yourself that you have one. It takes a while for the subconscious to be able to communicate with the conscious mind and the best way to do this is to simply start thinking about it. For example you could say to yourself "I am psychic" on a daily basis. Try, if possible to discuss it with whoever is willing, all these thoughts have a positive effect on developing your gift. You should also try to read about the subject, again this helps to wake things up. Knowledge will help, as you need some understanding of how things work. Adopt the policy you would take with any new hobby, become involved in it, buy books and magazines, look for more information on the internet. Become familiar with the various approaches and opinions and start to develop your own ideas. Deal directly with what appeals to you, what your logic finds reasonable. Disregard what you find difficult to accept, you can always return to it at a later time.

If possible attend psychic workshops, these are usually one-off seminars on a particular aspect of metaphysical studies. Look for group training, some mediums offer courses for a limited number of people at a very reasonable cost. Spiritualist churches often have training circles or something similar so make enquiries.

Use your gift! Even if you are unsure about whether it's working or not. Don't get upset if you get things wrong, keep going. You will find that in time progression comes, naturally. So decide what you want, and what methods you are going to use. Don't rely too much on divination cards (like Tarot) at first. I say this because you need to be able to sense the answers and problems yourself, with your psychic gift, not by just what is in front of you. This will make it harder but ultimately more fulfilling and you will become a better psychic long term.



You might have noticed that many psychics who advertise list a number of skills, typically these might include Tarot, Crystal balls, Palmistry, Psychometry etc. All of these things are focus tools. They represent something physical and tangible with which to work and can be a great help. Psychics talk about 'tuning in' to their clients or the spirit world, and these objects help to focus their thoughts. So regardless of what it is, Tarot cards or crystal balls, we have something to concentrate on. Working with psychic intuition or talking to spirit means working with energy and thought, not matter, so these things act as a bridge or stepping stone to that realm. Your mind will have become used to receiving information with your usual senses and it will take time for it to accept this transition, so make use of these tools.

Let's choose Psychometry for an example of working with focus tools and apply our psychic intuition. While holding an object belonging to someone, start to relax, slow down, close your eyes and let the object 'connect' with you. Feel it's texture and shape, let the object become imprinted in your mind. 'Communicate' with the object, remember it is linked to the owner.

Imagine information entering through your fingertips, going up your arm and finally entering your thoughts. It's a constant stream of energy of which you will see just parts, flashes of scenes, fleeting memories or feelings. Mention them all, say what you see. To begin with, all we want is to be able to recognise information that can be validated by the person who owns the object. It's OK to be wrong, it helps you to understand the difference. Be relaxed, try to 'slow down' and this energy will be easier to recognise. Imagine your heart slowing, think of yourself existing in a different frequency, you are changing your perception to become aware of information that is always there, but now you can sense it. You are stepping from this ordinary world into something that communicates in a completely different way, a better, more direct and personal way. Your whole body can listen, you leave your normal senses behind, you 'feel' the information, it becomes part of you, and the physical mind is just the interpreter. Mention what you visualise or feel and see what you get right, you may be surprised!

Make use of these 'tools', but let them enhance your own ability, not replace it. If you are drawn to card reading, let the cards guide you towards the answers, and then let your natural psychic intuition 'feel' the rest.

I remember in my early days of psychic readings, performing psychometry for a friend. She casually asked if I could still pick up things without holding an object. At the time I honestly didn't know, so there and then I agreed to give it a try. It worked! I was able to tell her about a place where she used to live in another country, even describing the house she lived in. Proving that focus tools are not necessary, but do help while we learn.



Psychic intuition can happen at any time, in any place and for any reason. That also seems to be it's problem as far as beginners are concerned! Often saying they cannot get their gift to work when they want it too. This is in fact very common, but should be seen as positive. After all you have experienced it! You just need to gain control.

Practice? That dreaded word which can bring back thoughts of piano lessons and times tables is just as important in the world of the psychic. Its all about getting used to information coming to you from a different source, the more you practice the easier it becomes. So, what can you do? Try pausing before you do something. For example, when the phone rings pause a few seconds before answering, can you tell who it is? Try it when someone knocks at your front door. Try it at work, can you tell when someone is happy, sad or pre-occupied with other things on their mind? Try to become universally aware, let your mind and body become an antenna to psychic information that flows through and about you.

Often when you begin, the pictures you will see are often very trivial. Try to find someone who can be patient and understanding and who will allow you to practice on. Take your time, its no use in trying to force the information to come through. Above all accept the fact that you are going to be wrong from time to time, the human mind has a habit of filling in the blanks when psychic intuition is not forthcoming. Also, perhaps a little confusingly, some of the information that may come through can have no bearing at the time, but only come to light a few days later.

One important thing, if you do see a picture or get a feeling about something - pursue it. It's amazing how many people become satisfied with just a little bit of information when there is usually more to be had. But it is possible to pursue these images, ask with your mind to know more about what you are seeing. It's great when you get it right! But more difficult is working out why you got it right, try to remember what it felt like as the vision came into your mind, and try to recapture the feeling next time.

When I use Psychometry, I close my eyes for a while, relax as if I am taking a step back from the world, and create a space for the pictures to arrive. You must find a technique that works for you. You are looking for brief pictures, that seem to arrive all by themselves. Things that you were not thinking about, if you manage to get this far, you are making good progress. If appropriate you will get a negative or positive feeling about what you have seen or felt. This is how psychics work. These positive / negative feelings are used to tell a client about which way they should go in a situation. Alternatively you may just get more information about an event, if you do, tell the person you are with. But please do not try to be a counselor until you are ready, remember you are dealing with peoples emotions.

Developing psychic gifts is a little like learning to play a musical instrument, we start slowly and practice regularly. Funnily enough mediums are referred to as instruments of spirit.


Recognising Psychic Information


This section applies to both Psychic & Mediumship development and concerns our expectations of such phenomena. At it's best, psychic intuition, - the actual receiving of psychic information, can be so certain and defined that it leaves you in no doubt whatsoever that you are correct. You just know, you become so certain within, it fills your entire being. It's the same with spirit communication, the connection can be so solid and strong that you understand so much more of the message being given. When you get communication of that quality it is so uplifting, so rewarding that it can move you to tears. You've joined a bigger universe, you are part of some wonderfully structured existence, and our spirit friends seem so close that we could shake their hands.

But it's not always like that, in fact for most mediums, most psychics, we have to work hard for whatever information we can sense. But, and this is important, any successful contact from spirit is something to treasure. Any successful and beneficial psychic intuition is a gift. Be grateful that if you can connect, for just a moment, with God's universe of spirit, just how wonderful that is. Consider the wonder, the crossing of worlds, the intention of both parties. There is balance to find here, we strive to be as good as we can but we may not always be presented with the information.

My point is spirit don't always communicate in such non-mistakable ways, but often guide and advise in more subtle ways. If your intention is to make better contact with your relatives and friends in spirit, then do not expect discarnate voices hanging in the air, but rather a thought, a memory, a scent, something that just seems to arrive out of the blue. If you wish to follow the advice of your guide, then listen to your inner self, listen to your conscience. Ask questions and look for answers around you, in the things you do, the things you see.

Psychic information can be just as subtle, often we do not need the finest detail, just a connection to something recognisable. If we are reading for someone, they will know what we are referring to, we may not need to fully explain every impression, indeed sometimes it may be embarrassing for the client for us to do so.

So aspire to be better, work at your craft to better understand the information that comes to you. But attain balance, take your time and be grateful for any successes.



Some of the people who have written to me have told me how they they predicted a plane crash, a car accident or some other major event. This sometimes causes great concern, understandably because these are often things we are unable to change. You cant just walk into the airport and say 'one of your planes is going crash'. Chances are they will think you are a little disturbed. So why then do we have these big premonitions? Often our psychic sense has been giving us little reminders that it is there, small insignificant things, however we brush these off as being merely coincidence. So in an effort to get our attention, we see something larger, something more dramatic, this is our psychic awareness waking up and shouting "Look, I'm here! Take notice". It often works too! When people do write to me about these premonitions they are in fact starting the discovery of their own psychic gift. So, when you finally acknowledge that the gift is there, you will find the big events start to disappear, allowing you to concentrate on developing your skill in a more humble fashion.

Psychic intuition is a thought based talent, it can feel like you are remembering an experience that was not yours. Often what comes into your mind is a picture, much like a photograph. These `photos` can be black & white, colour, still or moving like a short movie. But there are also feelings to be picked up. This may not happen so quickly as the `photos` as this is a deeper form of psychic awareness, but they may be a lot more important.

Predictions should account for roughly one third of a reading, although there are always exceptions and different needs. But ideally time should be taken to prove your talent by demonstrating your knowledge of someone's past and present. This can do a lot to help them believe you and put them in a better state of reception. It could be for example, that a deep set problem in the past is revealed to you, you should confirm this. Next try to sense how this affects the person now, again confirm. Finally advice can be given for the future using the positive / negative method mentioned earlier.


Final Points


The role of a psychic or medium often goes beyond just giving messages or making predications. They need compassion and good communication skills to act upon the information received. Please remember you are dealing with peoples emotions, as such the medium may need experience in presenting this information. For this reason, please do not expect to be able to give readings immediately, you may also fail more than you succeed, and end up spoiling your chances of respect and believability.

Just about every psychic there is, has at one time or another, asked the question "Am I imaging all of this??" It goes with the territory. It's easier to live in what we call the ' real ' world, relying on our senses of sight and touch. We forget there is a 6th sense, just as real as those others. It takes time, you keep going until at some point the math's say this is no longer a coincidence. Then you start learning a bit more, you get more confused, but I guarantee there will be some things that you do, feel or just be a part of that will touch you so deeply that you will keep going.

Of note here is another aspect of both psychic and medium development. Its all to easy to become a little proud of yourself and think you are `special`. Let me tell you now, this is a road to disaster and failure! Remember there are a lot of people the world over who do predications and have psychic abilities, you are just someone who has now woken those skills up. This thought will serve you well, be humble and have respect for those you are able to read for and you will develop.

One last time, please adopt a policy of respect, you hold within you a special gift and great responsibility goes with it. People you read for will have come to you from many different backgrounds and beliefs, they may come in fear, sorrow and with little understanding. You job is to inspire them and make them feel worthwhile, while being honest in conveying what you pick up. Take your time to explain things they may not understand, but don't rattle on beyond what they are ready to hear. Don't preach, people will be coming for advice or to contact a loved one, not to hear a sermon. These skills will come to you, but it is good to think on them from the outset.

The Learning Plateau

The word 'plateau' means;- A relatively stable level, period, or state. A level of attainment or achievement or an area of level land or rock. The term 'Learning Plateau' was first given to me when I was in my first development circle. I think the expression fits quite well as this helps to explain a phase many developing psychics go through..

As you learn to awaken your gift you may find things gallop along at a wonderful pace, the more you try the more things are given to you. Most people just go with the flow when this occurs. But there may come a time when your intuition seems to be turned off! You turn up at your development circle and wonder why nothing happens. You can't sense anything at all, it seems like all your guides have suddenly left you. You might feel alone, cut-off and like a stranger. This is the 'Learning Plateau', a time when you need to absorb what you have learnt, a time to reflect and ground yourself. A time when spirit helpers step back and let you catch up. It's a strange feeling, but it will pass, so seek comfort from those around you, they may have already been through it. But do tell them, especially if you are in a development group, it helps keep the balance of energy if you let them know what's going on. It should only last a few weeks and when you return you will be ready to move on to the next stage. Use this time to take a break, try not to bury yourself in psychic study but instead just be yourself, enjoy the beauty around you. Be prepared for this to happen a few times, it's necessary part of your growth.


Developing Mediumship


I sometimes get asked how people can develop their own mediumship skills, while the process is not difficult, what is important is your intent, your sensitivity and respect for others. You must also decide why you wish to develop this technique? Decide if you are doing this to help others or just to contact a family member or someone close. Learning to recognise the subtle presence of our spirit friends around us and the gentle guidance they impart, is different to working as medium for others.

Most people train in a development circle, or with a teacher and this is something I strongly recommend. Without someone to guide you, you may not know how to separate the imagination from actual spirit. A group meeting often means more than one person is able to sense the same spirit person, this is comforting and ensures you are progressing correctly. A good place to start would be your local spiritualist church, as many groups start from there. However you may have to be invited or have to wait for a suitable opening. But there are also 'Workshops' appearing with more regularity now, and these will help you learn from someone experienced. If you look hard enough, there is usually something in your own area where you can go.

I would advise anyone seeking to develop mediumship to first awaken their psychic skills, then read about other mediums, learn how they get their information. Give yourself an idea of what to expect, what is possible, what could be fantasy. Build a firm base onto which you can expand, be patient but explorative. Be aware of your dreams, what they tell you, be guided by them. Although you can develop the skills on your own, try to find someone who can study with you.


A lot of people misunderstand this. First and foremost most people think that you must clear your mind - WRONG! You cant! It's not possible. Our brains or minds are far to complex for that, what we can do is alter the level of our awareness. 2nd point, we cannot shut out background noise, in many ways it would be dangerous to do so. So quietly play some soothing new age type music to help you relax. Even if you can hear traffic or people just keep going. Now there are two ways you can proceed, either imagine a place that you feel happy in, like a beautiful garden with flowers etc. Or, for now just let your own thoughts go by and be aware of them, but not judgmental of them, just let thoughts go through you as if you were just a viewer, an invited one person audience. With either of these two techniques you may find your thoughts drifting in all directions, while it isn't wrong it's good to learn some control. So gently without getting annoyed adjust your thinking back to where you want to be, and if your thoughts start to drift again, then once more gently steer them back on track. It's important to try and remain passive, if you get annoyed STOP! Try again later. Things improve at the proper pace, images get clearer, they stay in sight longer, you can follow them and get more. But it takes time and practice, just like anything worthwhile!

Contacting your spirit guide

Our expectations of how spirit contact us can often be too high, spirit existence can best be described as thought energy. So it makes sense for them to contact us through our own thoughts, but how do you tell the difference? The thoughts will sound like your own, but they may also be of better clarity, more structured and eloquent in delivery.

If you can still your mind, as with meditation for example, you may be able to detect these thoughts better. Ask questions, but don't ask for predictions for your own life, and see what thoughts come to you.

We also have to be patient sometimes, a lesson in itself. Spirit will be working with you, but on their understanding not yours. They often wait for us to remove doubts, blockages and other distractions that may undermine the very work they strive to teach.

If, through your meditation and perception, you sense or see someone in the distance, this is often a new guide waiting to join you, waiting for you to be ready. This could be a guide who will stay with you for the next 40 years, one who through your mediumship will teach not only you, but many people through you. A guide who has waited for you since you were first born. How wonderful that is. Would you wait and be patient for such a guide? I am not saying that is the case, just an example of how to alter your thoughts, expectations and how to have patience. All things happen in their own time.


If you believe there are limits, you will work within them.

If you believe there are no limits then you may go beyond the generally accepted methods of communication.

- Robin Stevens


If you are looking for places where you can go to learn psychic skills, mediumship or healing you may find the following of interest as they offer a variety of courses on these subjects.


The Arthur Findlay College
(For the advancement of Spiritual & Psychic Science)

If you live in the UK you may find the following college of use. They run a selection of courses helping to explain & teach many of the topics found on this website. Contact them and ask for a programme.

The Arthur Findlay College
Stansted Hall, Stansted, Essex, CM24 8UD, UK.


(Centre for Psychic & Spiritual Studies)

With courses running throughout the year, if you live in North Wales, why not ask for the latest brochure - it's free of charge!

Tre-Ysgawen Hall
Capel Coch, Llangefni, Anglesey, N. Wales, LL77 7UR, UK.


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Anyone else more than a little freaked out/turned on/fucking totally amazed at the "illusions" performed by magician David Blaine? I only just found him a week ago: His show STREET MAGIC was playing on TLC, and my neighbor implored me to come over and watch it. While some of his "tricks" seem like they definitely could be slight-of-hand, or carefully placed camera angles and/or editing, other things he does are just beyond comprehension. In fact, they're almost downright fucking miraculous.

My introduction to this amazing magician happened to coincide with an intense 24-hour period of deep research into psychic phenomenon, theories of the Christ principle, and various other, seemingly related paranormal occurances, practices, people and institutions. Needless to say, my viewing of the David Blaine show happened to fit almost perfectly in with this flurry of information, and seemed to be the universe's way of winking at me: "Yes, you're on the right track. Keep digging, keep watching, keep practicing, and everything you hope for will come true" it seemed to be saying, no, SCREAMING in my ear.

This David Blaine cat could be the real deal. What better way to exhibit your ultra-normal "psychic" (though what he does goes far beyond reading your Tarot cards)ability than on a nationally broadcast syndicated television show?

So I went ahead and ordered his DVD, FEARLESS. It contains three of his shows; Street Magic, Magic Man, and the special where he freezes himself in a block of ice. The first show, Street Magic, contains the levitation tricks. I say tricks because even though he performs this incredible stunt a number of times, only twice does the camera capture anything close to a full-body shot, sans editing or shaky camera. So even though at heart I'm a believer, the media-savvy skeptic in me can't help hold just a smidgeon of doubt. But the two shots that come closest to revealing a full-body shot of David as he "levitates" are disturbing and exhilerating indeed. He literally rises about two feet off the air, for about two to three seconds. He does this in broad daylight, in front of spectators he's picked off the street, without lights or stage or assistant. The man levitates.

In the other two specials, he continues to boggle the mind with tricks that no matter how you cut it, can't be easily explained away. In one bit, which he repeats a couple of times for a few different folks, has him eating a small strand of string. He balls it up and swallows it; then he opens his mouth to show the audience that the string isn't hidden in his mouth. Then he lifts his shirt, drawing attention to a tiny piece of hair coming out of his stomach, next to his belly button. But when he pulls on it, we see it's not hair, but the STRING; We see him literally pulling the string through his skin. He does this a couple of times, and each time the camera goes in for a close up, so that there's no mistaking it: This string is being pulled through his skin. How do you fake that?

Not to mention his levitating a small leaf for a number of South American tribal children, or levitating a dollar for a tribes woman, who cackles and points at his head, saying in Spanish "Very smart, very smart, good brain." Or the time he asks a blond woman on a NY street corner to visualize a name, a name of someone important, and only a second later a cab drives by with that very name (DAWN) seemingly spray-painted on its side. Sure, the car could have been painted by an assistant, then thrown into traffic to drive by in the background at precisely the right time. In fact, almost every one of his tricks can be explained away somehow; But it's the unedited, most genuine reaction of his audience that is the biggest selling point. There's no faking their amazement and utter awe at what's happening right before their very eyes.

What does he do and how does he do it? Is he an incredibly gifted psychic, who's chosen to share his abilities with the world? And why?

I find his big Houdini-esque stunts the least interesting: Being buried alive, being frozen on a block of ice, standing on a pole for 3 days...Sure, these are all amazing stunts. But they're more on the level of Evil Knieval than an Indian Swami manifesting gold rings in the palm of his hand. I prefer the street-level feats of pure wonder, like when he's in Haiti and makes 12 balls appear in a little boy's hand, where only seconds ago there was only one. The smaller he gets with his tricks, the more powerful he is. I'm more blown away and impressed when he's dazzling the South American native tribes people than when he's squinting under the harsh kleig lights during a media blitz at Times Square. Let's hope he stays down on the streets, avoiding the Vegas-style claptrap of most magicians these days; Magic needs to come back down from the sequin-lined polished stage shows and in front of the common folk.