Synaptic Flash

Friday, April 04, 2003

13TH REVELATION - Mayan Prophesies

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Dear reader,

It is important that you have some background before reading the following information.
This information is directly from the Council of Indigenous Priests and Elders. It is for all to read and it is their official stand on what will occur during the next few years. After 500+ years of being kicked in head by every conceivable army, religion, government and numerous opportunistic groups it is no wonder that this beleaguered culture that is hanging on to survival by their collective fingernails, would have a gloomy outlook on the future.

Just one example of this is the massive amount of birth defects that are happening to all Maya right now because the only work available to them is spraying pesticides on crops by hand and the genetically engineered corn that is the only food supplied to them. Remember where those two twins came from who were just separated at the tops of their heads? Guatemala that is where. Who lives in Guatemala that have brown skins?

Okay, now this group, The Maya, has one point of view. That point of view is not privileged with the tech that we have or the accumulated knowledge of solutions we possess. They only have their common experience. And that experience has been universally very bad concerning "Whitey." "Whitey?" That's most of you reading this. It has become their religion that all of you should suffer greatly and that justice will then be done and the world will return to the meek. No one is more humble or meek than the Maya people right now. What is more important is that what they are saying is going to be the exact truth unless humanity wakes up to the reason and the process of change in the coming evolution of consciousness. Without some understanding of the massive changes we are facing and the speed at which they will change, unholy shit is going to hit every fan everywhere.

Go ahead and read as much of this as you have the stomach for and then, when you are filled with dread go to the provided link at the bottom of each page. This link will show you what else, on a very positive note, is also on the schedule of creation for this very same next nine years. It is our choice which reality we will experience. This is all a co-creation of our reality with consciousness as a very powerful ally. Light a candle and watch how fast darkness flees.



The Voice of the Jungle and the Messenger of the Mayans

National Council of Elders, Spiritual Guides

Message to the World

1975 - 2001 - 13th Revelation and the Last One

Elders in Meditation,

June 23, 2002, Day of the Solstice, 5 Keme in the Mayan Calendar

The Grand Elder, the Head of the Council of Elders, he was presented and the other Elders as well, with an array of events, serious in nature, so serious that they are difficult to describe. They were presented to them as if seeing them on a movie screen: on the screen are passages in time, how we have lived and where we are now.

For the mighty ones – the bankers, industrialists, business people, it has been prime time, a time of big gains. Deceivers, blackmail and corruption appears, it’s a stepping stone to climb up to their glory. A season of harvest for the big manipulators.

The strength in the politics of an organization that hopes to govern the world becomes clear. New experiments in genetics are made known to the public. There is a force appearing that gives a sense of rebirthing of the world…the pride of men. The atomic energy. Afterwords…famine and vandalism. The economy comes down to the ground.

The first symptoms of unknown illnesses are seen, attacking without compassion. No known cure, a slow death awaits. All will be sleeping when the volcanos wake up with an uproar as if they were working in unison.

Slowly the contamination ruptures the planet’s veil. Hatred becomes more evident. All are mentally ill. Confusion increases, and heated up by the fury of this turbulence of time, industry and economy crumbles down to the ground. Businesses close down, unemployment is on the increase and the channels of information are blocked. The proposals are not in the best interest of people, only in appearance. They not only take advantage of the poor nations, but they also humiliate them. The whole situation gets worse. The good economy disappears. The cunning mighty and greedy ones will poison themselves, they were not wise.

War spreads out, reaching all nations. Pride takes a seat on the nations throne. The plagues expand throughout the planet…there is no escape. The wise and humble were not listened to. Science, pride, and the deceivers planted their venom for their populations, they stained the crops with blood.

The punishment…the fire is lit up throughout the earth, thus losing its beauty. Death has wings, it is smelled everywhere. The armies are mobilizing their weapons. They are the lords, they are the only ones. The earth weeps, she rumbles, and the agony of death is extreme. Taking large steps, the materialistic society takes many changes before its precipitation into an abyss. It takes its last cry.

The harvests are lost to torrential rains and extreme droughts. Telluric movements will constantly be on the increase, and the earth’s structure will crumble and disintegrate. The layers of snow crack, releasing their veins, causing hot water to spring up to the surface. She has fever inside.

A yellowish sky is to be seen. It is busy due to so much death. Countries afflicted with poverty are taken advantage of and used for the benefit of war. But, in the other hand, the ancient cities as always are awaiting for their triumphant restoration and the spiritual guides are visualizing already the future for their children.

Now, tower of Galica, in all its’ splendor, soon you will be at ground level. Manmade mountains will dry up. In a matter of minutes all will come to its end. Churches are swaying side to side. Cities will sink to the bottom of the oceans. False prophets will gain acceptance from men, and will be bathed in marvels. They are the representatives of the peoples in the face of the law. These are years of confusion and selection.

You, Elders of wisdom, be prudent and humble, and those whom you guide will be nourished by celestial rays. Furthermore, protection will receive those who listen to the teachings of the wise men, for the knowledge they have received comes from the spirit of love and their well behavior. The price is the light of understanding and we’ll never be alone. Thus, be great, but great in personal power and not in greed. Know how to listen, how to forgive. Know how to forget. These will be the tests for the people of wisdom.

Side by side will be the hypocrites, the deceivers, and the betrayers. They will be presented before you as your best friends, as your best servant. But behind your backs they will be criticizing you. With their own tongues they will be strained out and separated as the waste, and they will be thrown out of the corral.

2002 – 2015

New preparation towards destruction. Weapons are flying, false leaders have power. The world gives its authorization to the yellow skin. They are invincible and resistant. Their armies put an end to their enemies. They shoot very destructive rockets. Rusted looking cadavers are seen on the rocks. The world is speechless and all communication is lost. The armies, smashed like ants, were the last weapons. Alive still, their flesh falls, they kneel down in the face of death.

Signs in the sky continue to be seen. They are announcing what is going on. They have lost their mind, they care no more. Suicide is their only solution to avoid seeing all the suffering around, and the agony of nature.

The time has come, the date of the year zero. The sun and the moon will change their colors. Darkness will envelope the planet. Weapons are now useless. Corpses will resemble paintings on the earth. Millions of years of a blooming earth will burn down in less than 20 years. The earth, overheated by internal fever, will start to vomit its liquids and heated gases, lava rivers of fire. Entire nations will disappear. Voices of indigenous languages will be heard in the sky. Famine will come. They will run to the oceans in search of food. The germinated seed of the past, in times of hunger, will no longer yield wheat. Containers of grains will be empty, and the animals all gone. They were eaten up by the hungry ones.

The turbans, they will always be. They have come through many generations. No one expects a new morning of hope. However, in the midst of all misfortune surges the renaissance of a light, the light of a new, flourishing life. It is a thin light, it barely shines. There is so much hope. But there is so much hope when the voice of the cultivator is heard, the enlightened ones sowing under the shade of the clouds, touching the hearts of the survivors, the children of time.

The usurper is wounded, yet continues with a new deception. Dressed up in untouchable purple robes. Only a few are listening to their songs. Their materials for deception will not last long. See them now, they are on their thrones. New revelations will come to the men of light, thoughts illuminated by the spirit of the chosen reincarnated ones. They have a humanitarian mission, humbleness, kindness, and patience…patience with these people, for they were deceived by the false liberators.

The true message will travel throughout the earth. The so long awaited messengers are the lords of wisdom and peace, children of the light. Keep that light lit deep in your hearts. Do not allow that light to be turned off by frivolous rituals and sentimental verses. For those who will come across your path and will knock at your door offering you salvation, or the heavens. Others will offer you money or romantic love. Others even will threaten you with a trip to hell. Out of fear, many will accept.

The current different denominations follow a mission of deception in order to put their leaders on a throne of gold. But it has been embroidered with the blood of human hearts. Consumed to ashes, they will fall off their throne. Desperate howling will be heard in the last moments before the total destruction. Their world has come to an end.

No more people left to form new battalions. To the might ones, the greedy, the selfish, the vain, all those who embrace and dwell on their treasures, the money is useless, its value is lost.

The moment has come, everything has dried out and is contaminated. This has already been foretold by our ancestors, our spiritual guides. Then, many will ask themselves, has the emperor died? Thrones and candleholders of gold are useless and the four pillars have lost their strength. The earth spins in opposite direction. All the ideologies and the materialism has come to an end. The so long awaited times will be of love and harmony among all living beings. The spiritual guides will powerfully teach, preparing for the second arrival of the Promised Land. All this has been announced for the period of 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau. The Children of the Sun, The Children of the Fire, are the Children of Time. The Mayans are the Lords, the travelers of time. They kill us, but we are reborn again.

This is passed on to you as a mandate from the Invisible Beings, and is passed on by the Grand Elder Member of the National Council of Elders. With the authorization of the Council it is being passed on to you. Thank you, my brothers and sisters

The Kalha Foundation

Guatemala City 13 Street 864

Guatemala, Guatemala


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