Synaptic Flash

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hello. I'm writing this from the future. Not far, only about 3 years into the future from now. There's this cool website that allows you to write a letter to yourself, then send it into the Web of the past. Cool, huh? So it's 2009, and I'm writing a post to my blog that will show up back in late March 2006. I don't know if I believe it will work - it really sounds too out there. If you're reading this now I guess it did work, in which case you might be a little curious as to what's going on in 2009.

The Democrats took back the White House and Congress. Al Gore finally decided he couldn't ignore the groundswell of support for him and threw his hat back into the ring. He beat Hillary out of the primary, then it was him vs. Jeb Bush, battling it out in an epic re-match between the descendent of Clintonia and the little brother of Team Apocolypse. Unfortunately, in the final days of George W. Bush's reign, the Iran War was spiraling way out of control, and good ol' Georgie decided to use a couple of nuclear bunker-busters. Of course, Iran retaliated with a few dirty bombs smuggled into the States. Long story short, I'm writing this from the northern part of British Columbia, where a number of us escaped to in the ensuing mayhem. The air is cleaner up here, and there aren't all those messy riots to contend with.

Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, I live in a self-sustaining community, which is pretty much what everyone is doing these days, even if they don't call it that. We grow our own vegetables and fruit, we have a herd of goats for cheese and the occasional meat. We have chickens and geese and a hand-pumped well where we get fresh water. We don't know how much water is left in the well - we're in a bit of a dispute with neighbors downstream from us; we suspect they're draining groundwater for their crops, eating into our underground well. We're trying to work it out peacefully - they're definitely more war-like than us, and a physical confrontation with another tribe is the last thing we need.

How am I writing you? We self-generate electricity, through solar panels and also through several stationary bikes we've hooked up to generators. The people who run the Internet have somehow kept it up and running, god bless their hearts. Running on their own generators, I'm sure. It's pretty much how anyone keeps in contact these days. Phone lines were disabled, so it's all about broadband wireless and satellite feeds.

Anyway, time for me to go trim the orange trees. We had a late season frost that killed a lot of buds, so we're worried that the trees might die. I'm supposed to trim them back in the hopes that they need less energy to survive with less foliage. We'll see.

So, here I go, about to his "enter", sending this little note back 3 years. Oh, and one more thing: Stock up on about a month's worth of food and water, because this year there'll be a few big surprises in store for you - both natural and manmade. You'll be happy you don't have to scavenge your neighborhood and risk being beaten by roving bands of marauders looking for food and water.

HOpe this finds you well!