Synaptic Flash

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Up shit creek without a paddle...

This from an article in today's LA Times:

"About 2.4 million gallons of raw sewage have spewed into the Los Angeles River since Sunday morning when a sewage system in Eagle Rock spilled over."

"hey hey hey!" Posted by Hello

Okay, time to revamp and reinvigorate this blog.

Originally started a few years back as a collection bin for esoteric information, and originally titled "The Brain: A User's Guide", this blog got bogged down by being too specific, not topical enough.

That's all about to change.

Welcome to the newly revamped and completely re-tooled blog, Synaptic Flash. Our editorial staff and team of writers and contributors scour the web daily for the interesting and arcane, the strange and wonderful, or the merely silly.

We may be political. We may be artificially sweetened. We may post links to the purely ludicrous. But we always aim to keep you entertained.

Welcome to Synaptic Flash, your source for brain-stimulating information.